We seek to make a difference to the lives of people living in Bognor Regis.

We are passionate about working collaboratively to see our town transformed.

Through our Love Your Neighbour Projects and by partnering with other churches, charities and organisations, we are playing our part in the social transformation of Bognor Regis.

From those experiencing homelessness and mental health struggles, to those raising a family with limited resources, we seek to provide essential provisions and support to all those in need of help.

  • Lighthouse

    Each week we host a meal & connection point for those in Bognor Regis, who are most in need. Through developing and investing in meaningful relationships, and by serving and caring for people, we want to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in action.

  • There are so many incredible organisations and agencies working towards the social transformation of Bognor Regis. Whatever situation you find yourself in, we are sure there is someone who can help you.

  • Bognor Foodbank

    Anyone can find themselves at crisis point for a number of different reasons. The Bognor Regis Food Bank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area.

  • CAP Debt Centre

    Working in partnership with 5 other Bognor Churches, Saint Wilfrid Church is home to the Bognor CAP Debt Centre. If you or someone you know is trapped by financial debt, please get in touch using the button below. We would be happy to speak with you.

  • Family Support Work

    Family Support Work (FSW) help families across Sussex who are struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse.

  • Salvation Army

    In addition to running a charity shop, The Salvation Army provide weekly community drop-ins, as well offering family support through the provision of toddler, children, youth and parent groups.

  • The Shore Wellbeing Cafe

    Located at the Shore Community Church, The Wellbeing Café (partnered with Renew Wellbeing) is centred around supporting mental health and nurturing emotional and mental wellbeing.

Specific Support

If you require specific support in matters relating to Mental Health; Domestic Abuse; Bereavement; Modern Day Slavery; Disability Care, please click the button below.


“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

- Mother Teresa

Give financially to the work of Love Your Neighbour