An Invitation to the Thirsty
Jesus said in John 7 Let anyone come to me, who is thirsty, and let the one who believes in me drink. Paul said in Ephesians 3 [go on being] filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
We are in the season of needing to be intentional about remaining hydrated. This is true, not only in a physical sense, but in a spiritual one, also.
Are you thirsty today? Are longing to be filled afresh with an outpouring of God’s Holy’s Spirit? Do you recognise that for the sake of your spiritual wellbeing you need to be filled-up, topped-up, refreshed, renewed and cleansed?
Come back to Jesus today. The flow of His living water – his Holy Spirit - is without limit. It is not a 'one-time offer' and it will certainly not run out. He desires to fill you to overflowing, so that you may know his power, his forgiveness, his love, his peace, his joy, his blessing for your life.
Come to Jesus today. Come to the head of the river – the source. Come to the fountain or love. You who are thirsty for more of the Lord, come and drink of his goodness today.